Monday, August 22, 2011

wish trees

Little Tokyo, Los Angeles.

Little Tokyo
simple days
wish tree
The Getty
Uptown Whittier Car Show
LA skyline

Hello friends.

This weekend was quite eventful. 

On Saturday, my friend Angel and I met for lunch in Uptown Whittier where we 
stumbled upon an old car show that was going on (second to last photo). They had a
ton of vintage cars, it was pretty neat. After my friend Tyler and I drove up to the Getty 
which was so incredible, I couldn't help but to instantly fall in love with the place. 
(middle batch of photos). And lastly, on Sunday night a few of my friends and I 
drove up to Little Tokyo to have dinner at a restaurant called Orochon Ramen
My guy friends are fans of the TV show "Man VS Food" so naturally they suggested 
this place. I must admit, it's worth all the hype and I definitely recommend it. We 
had an awesome view of the city (last photo) and after dinner we walked around 
Little Tokyo where we came across a dozen wish trees. I was excited to see them, 
I've only seen photos of them in your blogs. Before leaving, we all wrote and hung 
our wishes from one of the trees. I love knowing that my wish is hanging amongst the 
hundred others. This weekend I felt so hopeful and wish I could spend more of my 
days walking around the city at night, exploring. The city lights comforted me in 
ways I did not know were possible.

Also, here's another song I'd like to share with you. I've had Adele's album 21 on repeat 
for the last few weeks.

This last song on the album is heartbreakingly beautiful.


tasha faye said...

what beautiful photographs, lovely! <3 the wish trees are especially uplifting to see for some reason. we are definitely not alone in wishing for something, whatever it may be. (: it's a nice thought. +Adele and her music are incredible. xxx

Brenda said...

Thanks Tasha! <3 and I must agree, she's so talented.

Meena Dhuga said...

cool photos! that wish tree looks so magical and special! i would love to read all the wishes! i love adele too, she has such a special voice!

Meena ♥

galatea. said...

you took such awesome photos of lil' tokyo and the getty! i'm soo glad you got a chance to visit. what a lovely place isn't it? i loooove the travertine walls, the tram ride, and most of the all the incredible view they have up there. i think on the weekends they have live music- we should go xx

Sarin Aladadi said...

you dont know how happy your posts make me. and im not exaggerating here! Your pictures are always insightful i feel like I've said this before but I love how you take the most simplest things and make them a work of art! Btw the sunset shot from my previous blog post was totally inspired by your numerous excellent sunset shots! and the song at the end sets the perfect tone regardless of the fact that that the song is a bit glum, its real. Oh and i have a question.. Are these all polaroids? I love your posts (:


Jane said...

These pictures are lovely, as always. I'm glad you had a goos weekend. I really like the atmosphere of the city at night as well.

Unknown said...

nice shots!

Alison said...

this looks like such a fun weekend, and you got some lovely photos! and I loveee that song, she is so amazing

<3 Alison

Loretta said...

lovely photos, look like you had fun! <3

Brenda said...

Meena Dhuga: Yes, it was a lot of fun reading all the wishes. I loved the whole concept of a wish tree.

galatea: Oh yes, I loved it! I wish I lived near enough to visit once a week. Really? We totally should go! :)

Sarin Aladadi: It's comments like yours that keep me going. Thank you very much for your kind words. I checked out your sunset shot and it was strikingly beautiful.

Oh and to answer your question, my photos aren't real polaroids, I have an app on my phone that recreates them.

Jane, Tiziana, Loretta: Thanks girls!

annie said...

Hi brenda, i've checked out your polaroid project on flickr as well and i'm so inspired! The pictures you take are so simple and honest but so mesmerising. It's like you don't even need to try. Now you have me wanting to start a polaroid project too haha


Fransisca Angela said...

just saw this post, lovely pictures <3

pretty affairs said...

beautiful photos - i love the wish tree :-)

Grace said...

Ooh wow! Now I want a wish tree in my garden, lol :DD

Kathryn said...

That wish tree is so lovely, not only in the actual photo but in concept too. I don't know, there's just something really inspiring about it!

sara khan said...

your pictures remind me of why i love L.A. so much :)
